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Retrospective, the best of Suzanne Vega / Vega, Suzanne (1959-....). Chanteur. Musicien

Document sonore

Vega, Suzanne (1959-....). Chanteur. Musicien

Edité par [distrib. Universal-Polydor]. [London], Universal music [international], [Antony] - 2003

Luka. Tom's diner. Marlène on the wall. Caramel. 99.9fl. Tired of sleeping. Small blue thing. Blood makes noise. Left of center. I'll never be your maggie may. In Liverpool. Gypsy. Book of dreams. No cheap thrill. Calypso. World before columbus. Solitude standing. Penitent. Rosemary. Queen and the soldier (The). Woman on the tier.

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